UNODA Short Course The Secretary-General´s Agenda for Disarmament

Introduction to the UN Secretary-General´s Agenda for Disarmament


The Secretary-General announced his Agenda for Disarmament on 24 May 2018, which outlines a set of practical measures across the entire range of disarmament issues, including weapons of mass destruction, conventional arms and future weapon technologies.


The agenda aims at reviving serious multilateral dialogue and bringing disarmament and non-proliferation back to the centre of the work of the United Nations. It is an initiative that aspires to achieve concrete progress on issues related to disarmament. It further seeks to generate fresh perspectives, explore areas for dialogue, strengthen the participation of women and youth and establish new partnerships and greater collaboration around its four pillars:

  • Disarmament to save humanity
  • Disarmament that saves lives
  • Disarmament for future generations
  • Strengthening partnerships for disarmament


Course level: introductory

Methodology: Online Self-paced Course

Registration: Public self-enrolment

Components and Methodology:

The course consists of 2 thematic modules:

  • Introduction to Disarmament: Machinery, Processes and the Role of the United Nations
  • UN Secretary General´s Agenda for Disarmament

What will participants learn?

This short course aims at providing an introduction into the idea behind the Agenda, its contents and how it is put into practice.

The course is available in English and is held in the Disarmament Education Dashboard, thus participants need a computer or mobile device, with audio and reliable internet connection. No special software is required.


Upon successful completion of thematic modules, including examination and course evaluation a certificate of completion will automatically be issued to the participant.

Short-course Series

The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs Short Course Series aims at making available quality education material on disarmament, arms control, non-proliferation and issues cross-cutting with security, such as gender and development. The courses are targeted for and available to the general public at UNODA’S globally accessible e-Learning platform

In line with the UN Secretary-General’s Agenda for Disarmament this short-course series aims to contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.